<Oct 21> endeaving [endeavoring] thereby to raise the anger of those in authorety Rally a sufficnet force arou[n]d their Standard, & producing a total overth[r]ow, massacre, or banishment of the MomonsSaints <Mormns> from the . for they were, These & their associates were the ones who fired their own houses & then fled the county, crying fire & murder.
It was <was> reported in this to day that had left that place, the <night> previus evenig. leaving a letter for one of the brethren which would divulge the secret.
<Joseph retur[n]s to > <22> <Monday 22.> On the retreat of the mob X (T. & S. 5) from I return[e]d to with a comp[a]ny of the brethe [brethren], wherewe & arrived at about 7 PM. where I had hoped to have enjoydd some respite <#> (T & S. 5) inhabitants.
<Cannon found.> <23> Tuesday 23 news came to this morni[n]g that the brethren had found the cannon which the mob brought fr[o]m buried in the earth, & had secured it <by order of .> The Word X (Rockwod 13) quarters. 14 citiz[e]ns of wrote the an inflammatory epistle. one of which was Wm Hudgins P. M. Also <and> of wrote a similar communicati[o]n also the citizens of in public meetig “appealed to the of the , to give the people of upper protecti[o]n from this fearful body of thieves and Robbers,” where the were all minding their own business, only as they were driven from it by those who were crying <mail empty.> “th[i]eves & robbe[r]s.” The mail come in this evenig but not a single letter to any person. from which it is evident there is no deposite sacred to those marauders who are infesting the county <country> & try[i]ng to destroy the Saints.
<Inflammatoy Letters.> <20 <24>> Wednesday 24. & , reveald their inflammatory communications to the , as did other citizns of viz, C R Morehead Wm Thoda◊d Thornton, & Jacob Gudgel, who had no scr manifestd no scruples at any falshood, or exageration, to raise the s Anger againt us. , formerly president of the , having apostatizd, repaird to , and made affidavit before Henry Jacobs J.P. to all the vilest calumnies, aspersi[o]ns, Lies, & slanders [p. 27]