<Oct 24.> towards myself & the that his wicked heart could invent. He had been lifted up in pride, by his exaltations and the Revelations of heaven tohim, concerning him, until he was ready to be overthown by the first <adver[s]e> wind that should cross his track. and now he has fallen. Lied. & swore to it.— and was ready to take the lives of his best frie[n]ds. Let all men take warning by him & learn that he who exalteth himself God will abase. also was at . and testifi[e]d to most of es Stateme[n]ts.
<[Joseph] Dicksons Letter> The following lettre, being a fair specimen of the truth & honesty of a multitude of others which I shall notie notice I give it in full. “Carrolton # (Doc 60) Dickson.” <These mobbers must have had very accute ears to hea[r] cannon. (6 pounder) 37 mils>
< at Log Creeke> So much for the lies of a presbyterial priest of this world, now for the truth of the case. This day about noon , with some 30 or 40 men, called on Bro Thoret Parsons where he was living at the head of the east branch of Log Creek, came and warnd him to be gone before next day at 10. A.M.— d[e]claring also “that he would give Scare Next Thunder & Lightning before next day noon if he had good luck in meeting , who would camp about 6 miles west <of > that night, & that he should camp on ,” and departd towards . Bro Parsons dispatchd a messenger with this news to , and followed after to watch his movements. Brothers , & —— [David] Judith, who went out this morning to watch the movements of the enemy, saw 8 arm[e]d mobbers call at the house of Bro Pinkham, where they took 3 prisoners (Bro Pinhkams son. Bros [William] Seeley & [Addison] Green.) & four horses, arms, &c, & departed thrating [threatening] Pinkham if he did not leave the state imm[e]diately; <th[e]y “woud have his dam[n]ed old scalp”.> and having learnd of s movements retund [returned] to about <near> midnight, and reported their preceedings, & that of the mob. When the trmpet sounded about midnight, On hearing <’s order> the report <the fine[s]t Judge of the > orde[re]d , the highest officer in comma[n]d at , to send out a company to disperse the Mob, & retake their prisoners who it was reportd they intended to murder that night. The trumpet sounded, & the brethern were assembled on the public square [p. 28]