<arrival at > <8> in , about a mile from the place where had been burn[e]d by the mob. where we were delive[re]d into the hands of Wm Morgen [Morgan] Shiriff of , with his guard Wm Bowman, , & John Page. <The guard retur[n]ed immediately, but became divided as got lost on their way & a part of them arrivd in after dark, and got caught in the fencee. & calling for help. , went to their assistan[ce] & took them to the tavern, from there he got a Letter I had writt[e]n the commitee infrmng [informing] them of our arrival at .>
<Trial in at > <9> Tuesday 9, Our trial commenced befor[e] a drunken grand Jury. , presiding Judge, as drunk as the Jury, for they were all drunk togeth[e]r.— . had been dispatch[e]d by the committe to visit us. & Leaving this morning. <& swimming several Rivers, he> arrived amomong us in the afternoon, & spent the eveni[n]g in our company. < brought a written copy of a statute which had passed the Legislature giving us the privilige of a change of venue on our own. affadavit.> , arrrived from , & was favorable to our escape, from the perscutns [persecutions] we were endu[r]ing, & spent the eveni[n]g with us in prison, & we had as pleas[a]nt a time, as such circumstances would permit, for we were as happy as the happyest, the spirit buoy[e]d us above our troubles, & we rejo[i]ced in each othe[r]s society.
<10> Wednesday 10.[th] was spent in the examination of witnesse[s], before the grand Jury. Dr was one of the witnesses. was not permitted to give his testim[o]ny. Our Guard went home, & Col & others Blakely & others took their place.
<. mobbed.> The examination of witnesses was continued, & was permitt[e]d to give his testimony, afther he had closed, Blakesly, one of the guard came in & said to , that he wanted to sp[e]ak to him. walked out with him & around the end of the house, when Blakesly cried out, “God Dam you; you Dam’d <old> Mormons I’ll kill you! and struk at with his fist then with a club. took the club & threw it over the fence. There were 10 of the men who immdiat [immediately] rush[e]d upon to kill him. Col , Capt of the guard being one of the number, but told them he could kill the whole of them at one blow apiece. & drove them all off. The court & grand Jury stood & saw the affray. & heard the mob threaten ’s life by all the [p. 50]