<Sept 10> pollard. of his vacinity of his vicnity but Whether they went by his authority or permisnon [permission]. he could not say.” he was at a loss to give any advice about them, “They shall not through any agency of mine. be taken fom you to be convertd and used for illegal purposes. .” (directed to Messrs Smith & .) Under the same <date> advisd “to send 200 or more men & <dispel> dispel◊◊ the forces in . and all the assembld armd forces in . and cause those Mormons who refuse to give up to surrender & be reognizd [recognized], for it will not do to compromise the law with them.”— What compromise need there be, , for no mormons had have refused to surrender to the requisitions of the Law. It is mob violence alone that the mormons are contending against. A petition was this day made out <to >to by citizens of , directed to , to “call out the militia, to supp[r]ess this insurrition [insurrection] in & , and save the effusion of blood which must speedily take pla◊ce unless preventd,” Signd by Jesse Coates & 28 others
<Trial of > This day the prisoners and his comrades. were put upon trial. It was p[r]oven to the court that the guns were taken by one of the prisoners, and that they were taking them to to arm the mob. It was also proved that the mob was collecting for the purpose of driving the from their homes, The prison[er]s were held to bail for their appeara[n]ce at the circuit court, as principal the others were hired into his service.—— This same day <Petition to the > also a communication was made to , dated. “” containing all the falsehoods, & lies that the evil geneuses of mobocrats, villains & murderers could invent, charging the Mormons with every crime they themselves had been guilty of, and calling the Mormons “impesterous [imposters?] rebels. Canadian refugees, Emisaries of the prince of Darkness” &c. signd “The Citizens of and Counties.”
< to > Under this date , informd the by letter f◊rm [p. 14]