<August.> <10> so hard & corrupt as to glory in d[r]iving, robbing, plundig [plundering] mobbing & murd[er]ing <innocent> men women & children by wholesale, they will as <more> readily swear to his <lies> as <than> speak the truth. At thin [this] time the brethren in the vacinity of had removed with their families to And for safety.
<Joseph Goes to > <11> Saturday 11th. This morning I left with my counsel and . to visit the brethren on the , who had come from with and settld at that place contrary to counsel.
< Committee> In the, P.M, after my departure, a committee from arrived at , to enquire into the proceedings of our Society, in going armed into . Complaint having. been Enterd in by . and others. The committee from requested an interv[ie]w with a committee of , and a general meeting was called at the City Hall in <at> 6. P.M. When it was stated that <public Meeting> they were assembled to take into consideration <the doings> of the citizens of , wherein thy have accused the Mormons. <of F> of <this place of> breaking the peace, in defending our <their> rights and those of our <their> brethren in the county of ;— and the meeting organized by appointing chairman. & Clerk. Resolved 1st. that a committee of seven be appointed to confer with the committee from . Resolved 2d. that this commitee, with their , be authorizd to answer such questions as may be offerd by the Committee from , and as <are> namd in the docume[n]t presented this meeting purporting to be the preamble & resolutins of the Citizens of : Resolved. 3dly— that whereas the documet referred to has no date or Signature, that this our committee Judge of the fact & act accordingly. Resolved 4thly. that our committee Report their poceeings [proceedings] to this meeting as soon as possible. Secty. Chairm.
<Camp.—> Elder Dominicus Carter’s little daughter Sarah— died in the camp
<12> Sunday 12th I continued with the brethren at the . Offering such council as their situation requird.—
<camp> The camp held a public meeting as was common with them on the sabbath. Another camp, consisting of Saints from was in the vicinity of the Kirtland Camp. [p. 5]