<Oct 10> and burned it before his eyes. and orderd him to leave the place forthwith. which he did by removing <fleeing> <Mob Mob at > from to . The mob had sent to & got a cannon, powder, & balls, and bodies of armed men had gathe[re]d in to aid them from , Saline, Howa[r]d, , Clinton, , Platt & other parts of the , and a man by the nam[e] of Jackson from Howard Co was appointed their leader. The were forbid to go out of the under pain of death, & were shot at when they attempted it, to <go out to get food, of which they were destitute.> As fast as their cattle, horses, or other property got where the mob could get hold of it, they <it> were was taken as spoil. By the<se> outrages the breth[re]n were obliged, most of them to live in waggons or tents. Application had been made to the Judge of the circuit court for protection, who orde[re]d out 2 companies of Militia, one commndd [commanded] by , a Methodist priest, and Mobocrat of the deepest die, the whole under the command of , another mobber, if his letters speak his feelings, and his actions did not belie him, for he never made the first attempt to disperse the mob, and when asked the reason of his conduct, he always replied that & his compa[n]y were so mutinous & mobocratic that he dare not attempt a dispersi[o]n of the mob. Two other principal men of the mob were , member of the Legislatu[r]e, and a presbyterian Clergyman. informd us that a greater part of his men under had mutin[i]ed, and that he should be obliged to draw them off from the the place, for fear they would join the mob: conseque[n]tly he could affo[r]d us no assistance— We had now # (see T, &, S, p, 4.) <grave> In the mean time X (see appeal 30) kept, and that was all the brethrn ever knewabout <receivd of> the promisd pay for all their losses at . Many houses O (see T. & S. 4) elsewhere; The brethrn took their departure wit, and gatheri[n]g up as many waggons as could be got ready, which was about 70, with the remnant of the propety th[e]y had been able to save from their matchles foes, Start left , & started for ,
<11> on the PM of Thursday Oct 11th 1838, and They They travelld # (see appl 30) coffin.— During θ (see T & S. 4.) distreasing. We <12> arrived in Caldwell on the 12 [p. 25]