<Sept 12> Head Quarters, at . that on the solicitation of the citize[n]s & advice of <th[e]> of the circuit he had orderd out 4 compani[e]s of 50 men each from the militia of — and alike number from ; also 400 more to hold themselves in readiness if requird, all mounted, & riflemen except 1 co of infantry. “The troops will proce[e]d immediately to the scene of excitem[en]t & inssurrection.”
Thursday 13 The camp travelld to Bolivia 12 mi. Bro Thornton’s child died in the even[in]g, and was buried on the morning of the
<14> Friday 14 before the camp started, which passed through the <which it is expected will soon be the> capital of . instead of Vandalia. Much opposition was manifestd at <in> in the countenances of men, in their hard & unighteus [unrighteous] remarks again[s]t. Jo Smith & the and in much laughing. Fever & ague & chills & fever are the prevailing diseases in this place. The drouth continus, the water in the wells is <very> low, and many spri[n]gs entirely dry, Many familis found stopping places before arriving here. The camp is sometimes short of food, both for man & beast, and thy know what it is to be hungry. Their living for the last 100 miles, has been boil[e]d corn, & shaving-pudding, which is made of new corn ears shaved upon a jointer or fore plane. It is excellent with milk, Butter. or sweetning and with an occasional mixture of pork. flour, potatoes. pumpkins, melons &c makes an comfortable living. The cobs & remaini[n]g corn is givn to the horses so that nothing is lost; hence the proverb goes forth in the world. “The mormons would starve a host of enemies to death, for they will live where eve[r]y body else would die.’— The camp numbers about 260, there was 530, but they have been scatte[re]d to the 4 winds and it is because of selfishness, covetousness, murmuigs [murmurings], & compla[i]nings, and not havig fulfilld their covenants that they have been thus scattrd [scattered]. Travelled 23 miles & tented 5 miles west of . 569 miles from
<Wm Drydens Statemt Statemnt.> <15> Saturday 15th. William Dryden Justice of the Peace in . Stated to the , <in a long communcati[o]n> byletter, that he had issued a writ agaist Andrew Ripley, & others for assaulti[n]g & threatnig [threatening] on the 8th of Aug last. [p. 15]