well guarded. by some of his pupils, ready to give him the wink on the approach of any one, who would not approve of his measures In this situation he stated that he had the sanction of the head of the for what he was about to do, and, by his smiles & flatery persuaded them to believe it and proceeded to administer to the few under his controul an Oath binding them to everlasting secrecy to every thing which should be communicated to them by himself. also Thus he initiated <members> into his lodge firmly bindi[n]g them <X>(Phelps 5 <6, 7, 8,>) Danite Lodge.[”] When a knowledge of s rascality came to the chuch of the church he was cut off. and from the church and every means propere used to dest[r]oy his influe[n]ce, at which he was highly incens[e]d, & went about whisp[er]ing his <evil> insinuations, but finding eve[r]y effort unavailing, he again turnd conspirator & sought to make fri[en]ds with the mob. by testifying falsely against the brethn as <organization of the 10. 50s &c of the church> the sequel will show. And here let it be distinctly understood that these companies of 10 & 50 got up by were altogether seperate & distinct from those companies of 10 & 50s organ[i]zed by the brethren for Me self defence in case of an attack from the mob. & more particularly that in this time of alarm no family or person might not be neglected, therefore, 1 compa[n]y would be engagd in drawing wood another in cutting it, another in gather[in]g their corn, another in grinding.— another in butch[er]ing, another in distribting meat &c &c, so that all should be employed in turn and no one lack the necessarries of life; Therefore let no one <hereafter> by mistake or design confound this organization of the chu[r]ch for good and righteous puposes with that <organization> of the Danites of the apostate , which died almost before it had existence.
< Militia.> The Mob or Militia began to encamp at on the 26[th]. and by this time amounted to about 2500 men all ready to fulfill the Extermiatig [exterminating] order & join the standa[r]d of the .— They took up a line of march for .— Travelling but part way, while <while th[e]y encamped for the night.>
<30. Tuesday 30> <Their army continud their march awhile> their advance guard was pet[r]oling the country & taking many prisone[r]s, among whom was Bro , & Bro Carey, [p. 32]