Account of Trial, [, Hancock Co., IL], 24–28 May 1845, State of IL v. Williams et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1845); handwriting of ; 101 pages; Wilford Wood Museum, Bountiful, UT; images in Joseph Smith Murder Trial Papers, 1844–1845, CHL.
Say any thing or not— said rush in boys there is no danger— I heard also halloo for them to come around that side to the window— and then told them to shoot the damned scoundrel— dont recollect to have seen him after that— I went to Mr. [Larkin] Scott’s on that night, with two men whose names I do not know— I went on foot— the two men were not in the scrape— I saw Smith after he was shot— supposed he was dead <and> that the breath had left his body— It was all done in a good deal of confusion the men had been drinking and some of them acted as if they were drunk they had whiskey in the waggons coming up— <, here exhibited a pamphlet and asked the witness if he was the author of it.> I am not the author of this <that> Book— is the author of the Book— I suppose he wrote it from what I told him— I told him the story a good many times, and he saw the affidavit I made in — He told me he made up the composition as he went along— I suppose it will astonish you— but I Saw the light— I Saw a light, but it was a shorter light than that described in the book, and [p. 21]