4/5 of lot 1 Block 131 struck off and deeded to John McIntosh at | 10 50 |
[4/5 of lot] 2 [Block] 131 [struck off and deeded to John McIntosh at] | 10 25 |
[4/5 of lot] 3 [Block] 112 [struck off and deeded to John McIntosh at] | 10 50 |
[4/5 of lot] 4 [Block] 131 [struck off and deeded to John McIntosh at] | 10 25 |
[4/5 of lot] 5 <3> [Block] 134 [struck off and deeded to John McIntosh at] | 10 05 |
51 55 |
Frac. Block 153 struck off and deeded to James Clarke [Clark] at | 1 00 |
Lot 2 in Block 108 struck off and deeded to Isaac S. Sanders at | 20 05 |
except 50 feet square N. W. corner |
Lot 1 Block 106 struck off and deeded to the at | 200 00 |
E 1/2 of W 1/2 [Lot] 4 [Block] 106 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 25 00 |
[Lot] 2 [Block] 103 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 100 00 |
4/5 lot 2 [Block] 109 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 20 00 |
[4/5 lot] 3 [Block] 109 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 20 00 |
[4/5 lot] 1 [Block] 110 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 25 00 |
[4/5 lot] 2 [Block] 110 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 25 00 |
[4/5 lot] 3 [Block] 110 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 25 00 |
[4/5 lot] 4 [Block] 110 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 25 00 |
Lot 3 [Block] 104 [struck off and deeded to the at] | 20 00 |
[Lot] 3 [Block] 150 except strip 75 feet E. side | 15 00 |
4/5 of [Lot] 1 [Block] 97 struck off and deeded to at | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 2 [Block] 97 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 3 [Block] 97 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 4 [Block] 97 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 3 [Block] 98 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 4 [Block] 98 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 1 [Block] 99 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[4/5 of Lot] 2 [Block] 99 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
Lot 3 [Block] 107 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
[Lot] 2 [Block] 111 [struck off and deeded to at] | 100 00 |
4/5 [Lot] 3 [Block] 111 [struck off and deeded to at] | 30 00 |
Lot 1 [Block] 100 [struck off and deeded to at] | 400 00 |
[Lot] 1 [Block] 98 [struck off and deeded to at] | 20 00 |
[Lot] 2 [Block] 98 [struck off and deeded to at] | 15 00 |
[Lot] 2 [Block] 104 [struck off and deeded to at] | 8 05 |
Frac. S. W. quarter of sect 19, Township six North, Range eight West | 50 00 |
1393 05 |
S 1/4 of lots 3 and 4 Blocks 88, 89, 90 each 1$ struck off & deeded to John Rice at | 6 00 |
Lot 2 Block 100 [struck off & deeded to John Rice at] | 12 00 |
[Lot] 3 [Block] 100 [struck off & deeded to John Rice at] | 12 00 |
[Lot] 1 [Block] 101 [struck off & deeded to John Rice at] | 38 00 |
68 00 |